Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

State and Local Politics

Posts tagged Fundraiser
February 2023: Future901 Update

Future901 participated in two recent events. On February 10th we held a successful fundraiser at the home of Don Donati.  It was a combination of thanking our recurring donors and a fundraising event to start building our coffers for next year.  Attendees enjoyed hearing from Robert Donati who spoke about Future901’s successes in Shelby County over the last year and how we plan to spread our model for electing progressives to targeted areas in West Tennessee.

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Future901 wants you to join us to celebrate five years of pushing Tennessee forward

Five years ago, I sat on Desi Franklin’s porch asking what could be done to affect progressive change in Tennessee. We were both frustrated at the direction of our city and state and felt individually powerless in changing things. We had the simple idea that no one of us could ever compete with the big-money interests that stifle change. However, a group of us pooling our time and money could be an agent of progress. By and large, I believe Desi and I were right.

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