Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

State and Local Politics

Future901 wants you to join us to celebrate five years of pushing Tennessee forward

Written by Robert Donati, Future901’s Treasurer

Five years ago, I sat on Desi Franklin’s porch asking what could be done to affect progressive change in Tennessee.  We were both frustrated at the direction of our city and state and felt individually powerless in changing things.  We had the simple idea that no one of us could ever compete with the big-money interests that stifle change.  However, a group of us pooling our time and money could be an agent of progress.  By and large, I believe Desi and I were right.

It has been amazing to watch people come together to hold fundraisers, write articles, build social media platforms, recruit candidates, analyze data, and set a strategic vision for how we move forward.  Looking backward, we were instrumental in wins in City Council, County Commission and State Legislative races.  We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for candidates.  Critically, much of that money came to them early in the process when they needed it most.  We have held politicians accountable as they have put moneyed interests and the wishes of party bosses over the needs of their constituents.  We have done so much.  Together.

However, being a progressive is inherently about the future.  It is about assessing the challenges of today and mobilizing our resources to overcome them.  We do this because we are progressing to a better future for ALL of us.

Looking forward to the next five years, we see rough terrain, but promise on the other side.  The GOP has done its worst to strip West Tennessee of political power.  They are removing districts and pitting vocal, young progressives against each other.  In Nashville, they are attempting to divide up Davidson County to make it an overwhelmingly Democratic city with no Dem Congressional representation.  Fights that they cannot win fairly at the ballot box, they are instead attempting to win behind closed doors as they redrew the electoral lines.

Even so, the year ahead also brings incredible promise. In seeking to make more districts “red” the GOP Party bosses have left some of their districts vulnerable to being flipped.  In particular, we cannot wait to see the fight unfold for Senate District 31.  This district was already vulnerable when big-donor-darling Brian Kelsey was running for re-election.  Now that he has decided not to run, this leaves a huge hole in the GOP’s fundraising machine.

Similarly, in District 97, where freshman Rep Gillespie barely secured a win in 2020, the district has arguably become more competitive for a Dem candidate.  In a year where Dems should be squarely on the defensive, we have a chance to actually make gains.

What’s ahead for Future901 (and how you can help)

The next five years for the PAC are largely going to be about capitalizing on the openings the GOP created in their map drawing so that we can help new progressive voices emerge.  We are optimistic about that fight.  We look forward to fighting alongside you.

We hope to see you on March 19 as we celebrate 5 years fighting for a better Tennessee.

Register to join us here.

If you cannot make it, please contribute to the work we are doing to move Tennessee forward

Written by Robert Donati, Future901’s Treasurer