gabby salinas — State and Local Politics Blog — Future901
Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

State and Local Politics Blog

Posts tagged gabby salinas
Education is on the Ballot in November

With one month left before Election Day, voters have some big decisions to make as we prepare to choose between candidates running for local, state, and national office. But November ballots will include more than just choices between elected officials – the future of public education in Tennessee is also on the ballot. In a significant blow to the Republican-backed school voucher bill last week, the Tennessee Court of Appeals upheld the Davidson County PCourt’s decision that Governor Lee’s Education Savings Account Plan is unconstitutional. Think about this for a moment...

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Future901 Endorses Gabby Salinas for District 97

A fighting spirit - that’s what we need in our Tennessee State Legislature. Future901 is proud to endorse Gabby Salinas as the 2020 Democratic candidate for the Tennessee House of Representatives to represent the citizens of the 97th District – Bartlett, Cordova, and East Memphis. Gabby ran for the Tennessee State Senate District 31 in 2018, and narrowly lost the seat to Republican opponent, Brian Kelsey, by a mere 1400 votes.

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The Primary Is Over And We Have A Winning Team On The Field

The primaries are over and we now know who is going to help us bring change to Tennessee in November.

Future901’s focus continues to be flipping State House seats. In flipping those seats, we are able to put the break on some of the worst gerrymandering practices during redistricting next year. In flipping those seats, we kill any opportunity for the state GOP to force an unwanted voucher program on Shelby and Davidson counties (and nowhere else). In flipping those seats, we put increased pressure on the Legislature to finally expand TennCare…

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