Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

State and Local Politics Blog

Endorsements across Tennessee

Future901 is on the move looking around for growth opportunities. Tennessee will never break the super majority unless we flip seats across the state. We talked with several groups and researched races across districts. In addition to our local candidates, Jesse Huseth and Noah Nordstrom, it was generally agreed these were 8 critical races where Progressives have the best chance of retaining or flipping seats. We have endorsed in all these races and as you read through this, remember they all need our support to win in November. This is our time.


Ronnie Glynn TN House District 67 — Clarksville

Ronnie Glynn is the incumbent House Member for District 67 – Clarksville.  Ronnie won in 2022 by around 150 votes and is the Republican’s main target this year.  Ronnie is a strong advocate for public schools, health care, veterans, and public safety.  In order to break the supermajority we need to protect our vulnerable incumbents. 

To learn more about Ronnie and to help support his campaign, visit ronnieglynnforstaterep.com.


Shaundelle Brooks TN House District 60 — Nashville

Shaundelle Brooks is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 60 – Nashville.  Shaundelle’s son Akilah was murdered in the Antioch Waffle House mass shooting in 2018.  Shaundelle supports public safety and gun violence prevention, public education, and reproductive rights.  This is an open seat (the Democrat resigned to work in Nashville metro government) and Republicans are targeting this seat.   

To learn more about Shaundelle and help support her campaign, visit brooksforstatehouse.com. 

Bryan Goldberg TN House District 18 — Knoxville

Bryan Goldberg is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 18 – Knoxville.  Bryan manages a disaster recovery service and he is fond of reminding us our legislature is a man-made disaster and he knows how to clean up messes.    Bryan knows public safety starts with common-sense gun laws, he supports public education, and expanding access to health care (including women’s reproductive health).  

To learn more about Bryan and help support his campaign, visit votebryangoldberg.com.

Kathy Lennon TN House District 27 — Hamilton County / Chattanooga

Kathy Lennon is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 27 – Hamilton County / Chattanooga.  Kathy has served on the Hamilton County School Board and is a founder/board member of many civic organizations working to improve Chattanooga.  Kathy supports public schools and common-sense gun laws and knows Tennessee women can make their own health care decisions. 

To learn more about Kathy and help support her campaign, visit votekathylennon.com.

Anne Backus TN House District 33 — Anderson County

Anne Backus is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 33 – Anderson County.  Anne is a retired project manager and an active volunteer in the community; she believes that our government needs to refocus its priorities to truly serve the people. Anne is committed to defending and strengthening public education, ensuring affordable healthcare for all, and making Anderson County safe for all who call it home. 

To learn more about Anne and help support her campaign, visit backusfortn33.com.

Luis Mata TN House District 49 — Rutherford County

Luis Mata is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 49 – Rutherford County.  Luis immigrated to Tennessee as a young child and he would be one of Tennessee’s first Latino legislators.  Luis supports public schools, public safety (including common-sense gun laws), reproductive health, and improving the lives of Tennesseans by eliminating the sales tax on groceries.     

To learn more about Luis and help support his campaign, visit voteluismata.com.

Allie Phillips TN House District 75 — Clarksville

Allie Phillips is a candidate for the Tennessee House in District 75 – Clarksville.  Allie was forced to terminate a pregnancy but had to travel out of state for the procedure because of our draconian laws.   Allie is running because she was denied her right to basic healthcare and she doesn’t want any other family to experience the pain her family did.  Allie supports high-quality education in our public schools and public safety by implementing common-sense gun laws.  

To read her story and help support her campaign, visit allie4tn.com.

Karen Reynolds TN Senate District 22 - Montgomery County

Karen Reynolds is a candidate for the Tennessee Senate in District 22 – Montgomery County.  Karen Reynolds is a veteran and is deeply committed to addressing Tennessee's gun violence crisis, especially its impact on children, she supports quality reproductive healthcare for every Tennessean, she opposes vouchers and is dedicated to protecting public education,  and Karen is a champion for medical cannabis. 

To learn more about Karen and support her campaign, visit karenreynoldsvote.com.

Robert DonatiEndorsements