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State and Local Politics

Join in the fight against Governor Bill Lee’s anti-masking EO for schools

Recently, Governor Bill Lee announced and Executive Order that would allow parents to “opt out” of any masking requirements put on their kids by schools or county Health Departments.  Unfortunately, doing this has the effect of reducing the effectiveness of masking policies. The primary benefit of a mask is that it greatly reduces the risk that someone who is infected will transmit the virus to others.  The natural consequence of Governor Lee’s EO is that people who are infected will end up not wearing masks and transmit the virus to vulnerable children and staff.

Since schools started back this month, Shelby County has already seen three children and multiple teachers/support staff die of Covid.  To his great credit, Shelby County Schools Superintendent Ray has refused to comply with Governor Lee’s EO.  Unfortunately, this has not been the case for other county school systems (Germantown, Collierville, Arlington, and Millington).  There infection is spreading and it is impacting the most vulnerable.  Parents are being faced with the choice of risking their children’s health and safety or their education. This is particularly the case for children with disabilities.  To name a few, diabetes, sickle cell, heart disorders, and severe asthma all make Covid a potentially life-threating illness for these children.   

Governor Lee and the Legislature has pushed parents into an impossible position and it is critical that we fight back.  Future901 is joining in that effort.  We are assisting a group of organizations that are formulating action against the EO and we NEED YOUR HELP.  Right now, we need parents whose kids are particularly vulnerable to a Covid infection to reach out.  In particular, we are looking for parents of kids in Germantown, Collierville, Arlington, and Millington.  If you are interested in helping, you can reach out to Robert Donati at Donati Law; call at (901) 278-1004.

Child with COVID mask.png