Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

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Mark White (TN House-83)

Mark White voted for Glen Casada for TN House Speaker. Casada rewarded him with a Committee Chairmanship.

In the five months Casada was Speaker, We, The People of Tennessee, paid over $185,000 dollars to support him and his lifestyle. He even refused to resign until after he took an expensive European Vacation, with a portion paid for by us.

We do not need Mark White representing us, he endorses people who steal from us, purely to further his own ambitions.

Send Mark White an Email and let him know exactly what you think!


Chris Hurt (TN House-82)

Chris Hurt spent his time ensuring that he would receive funding from Casada’s Super-PAC.

CAS-PAC ended up giving Chris Hurt $1000.

He was an instrumental vote in ensuring Casada would become speaker, and then Casada took hundreds of thousands or dollars from our tax dollars.

We do not need Chris Hurt representing us, he endorses people who steal from us, purely to further his own ambitions.

Send Chris Hurt an Email and let him know exactly what you think!


John DeBerry (TN House-90)

John DeBerry is a DINO who does not support a woman’s right to choose. He supported Casada and his Fetal Heartbeat Bill.

We do not need John DeBerry representing us, he endorses people who steal from us, purely to further his own ambitions.

Send John DeBerry an Email and let him know exactly what you think!