Rep. White Off the Mark in Latest Piece
Mark White calls out an epidemic of “undisciplined youth” in his latest opinion in the Daily Memphian
Mark White accidentally swallowed his dog whistle with his latest piece in the Daily Memphian. Claiming there is a “disease of undisciplined youth” in Memphis highlights a fundamental issue within our legislature. Tennessee Republicans have overlooked the core responsibility of their positions. Instead of capitalizing on the upcoming special legislative session and addressing the pervasive gun problem in our state, they have intentions to introduce more of their ineffective “tough-on-crime” policy. Why target the very communities most affected gun violence? Why use this rhetoric? Why go so far to villainize young black and brown men?
There is an identifiable cause for all of this violent crime, but it is not the ill-discipline of youth. Simply put: a plan to address violent crime must address poverty. Two goals of the comprehensive plan to address gun violence proposed by the Biden-Harris Administration are the expansion of summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults; and assistance for the formerly incarcerated in successfully reentering their communities. This! Rep. Mark White, do this! Consider the world from outside of a district with a median household income 25% higher than the rest of the state. Consider that investing in our communities and creating opportunity would address the root cause of violence.
We believe that our representatives should understand the issues facing our community and institute socially and economically responsible systemic reform as a means of progress. We believe common sense gun laws would address a growing gun crime crisis. We believe that tough-on-crime policy does a lot more for the private prison industry than the community. We know that our public schools play a vital role in steering our youth away from crime and violence. These are our questions for Rep. Mark White and other Tennessee Republicans. We hope to shed light on their respective abilities to lead us through this crisis:
Why support further relaxation of gun laws at a time when violent crime is rising?
This just feels like common sense. Where is the consideration of the danger that presents to our neighborhoods and to our law enforcement officers? Evidence suggests that permit-less carry leads to an increase in gun violence. Spare us the ‘good guy with a gun’ argument. Where is the logic?
Are your policy decisions to incarcerate more black and brown youth driven by the money you receive from private prison and gun lobbies?
CoreCivic operates four private prisons in the counties surrounding Memphis. We wonder if their continued lobbying has swayed your stance in favor of ineffective tough-on-crime policy. Butts in seats, right Mark?
Make it make sense…
CoreCivic operates four private prisons in the counties surrounding Memphis. We wonder if their continued lobbying has swayed your stance in favor of ineffective tough-on-crime policy. Butts in seats, right Mark?
Would you agree that our public schools play a critical role in steering at risk youth away from crime and violence?
We do but we know you do not.
Why else would you, as the chair of the House Education Committee, vote to divert money from public schools through the voucher system? How does defunding our public schools do anything to help them curb crime?
Rep. White, we deserve leaders who aspire to collaborate with the rest of the community to address our broader needs. We deserve someone unencumbered by corruption, who will advocate for a better future for everyone instead of those benefiting from unsafe cities and crowded prisons. We deserve someone who is not blind to the possibility of creating lasting change. If this is not what you are prepared to do, we hope you will at least stay out of the way.