2018 Election Cycle
This year Shelby County has four elections with three different Election Days in May, August, and November. There are important elections and issues on each one of these ballots. We have an amazing group of progressive candidates this cycle, and it is important that voters turn out for each election to flip districts in Shelby County! The offices up for election this year can affect real change for Shelby County citizens. The County and State officials who are elected during this cycle will make decisions about infrastructure, taxes and financial policies, laws and policies regarding issues ranging from common sense gun safety to education to healthcare. These issues affect all of us, but often affect vulnerable Shelby Countians most heavily. Our current State Legislature has repeatedly voted against the interests of Shelby County, blocking attempts to govern based on the best interests of citizens here. Shelby County elected officials can work with State elected officials to ensure that our interests are being fairly represented in Nashville.
It’s an exciting year, and we have an amazing opportunity to get progressive candidates elected! Here is the current Future901 slate:
In the County Primary in May (General in August):
- Shelby County Mayor: Senator Lee Harris
- Shelby County Commission candidates: Racquel Collins (District 1), Michael Whaley (District 5), and Tami Sawyer (District 7)
In the State Primary in August (General in November):
- TN House of Representatives candidates Rep. Danielle Schonbaum (District 83), Torrey Harris (District 901), Dwayne Thompson (District 96), Allan Creasy (District 97)
- State Senate candidate Katrina Robinson (District 33)
Important dates and election information--mark your calendars, tell your family and friends!
County Primary:
- Election Day: Tues. May 1, 2018
- Early Voting: Wed. April 11 - Wed. April 26
- Dates, locations, other info: https://www.shelbyvote.com/elections/county-primary-512018
County General AND State Primary:
- Election Day: Thurs. August 2, 2018
- Early Voting: Fri. July 13-Sat. July 28
- Dates, locations, other info: https://www.shelbyvote.com/elections/county-general-and-state-primary-822018
State General:
- Election Day: Tues. November 6, 2018
- Early Voting: Wed. October 17-Thurs. November 1
- Dates, locations, other info: https://www.shelbyvote.com/elections/state-general-1162018
You can register to vote online in TN now! Go here to register, update your address, find your districts, and polling locations: http://web.go-vote-tn.elections.tn.gov/
Thanks to SCDP for this reference guide to the election cycle!
Written by Molly Peacher-Ryan