Electing progressive leaders for a stronger community

State and Local Politics

Organizing across West Tennessee

We are a blue dot in a sea of Red Tennessee. Future901 has helped solidify Shelby County’s Democratic bona fides, but we recognized early on the need to expand beyond 2 or 3 strong Blue counties to move Democratic Tennessee back into the mainstream.

To further this goal, Future901 has started hosting Meet and Greets with Democratic County parties at various sites throughout West Tennessee. We held an event with Tipton/Lauderdale counties and recently held our second event with Haywood/Madison counties.

The concept is simple. Future901 coordinates with the county parties, and they suggest a location. We design a simple invitation which we ask the county parties to share. We request a small suggested donation. Future901 pays for a spread of appetizers, and guests show up to mingle and enjoy. We split the donations 3 ways – each county party gets a share, and Future901 uses our portion to help offset the investment in these counties.

At these events, we’ve discovered people don’t always realize there are other Democrats around, so they get a chance to build new relationships and get involved with their local party. These investments are also helping these counties to build their bench. Out of these events, our future candidates will come forth.

As you’ve learned, the money Future901 raises is not just being used as donations for candidates. We’re using our funds to host educational classes, to provide financial backing for symposiums, and to invest in county parties which help build our Progressive Community throughout West Tennessee.

If anyone is interested in helping fund these efforts, consider donating to the cause. It takes all of us to change the future.

Robert Donati